Public Works Maps

Below you will find several maps that the City uses for the City owned utilities, such as water, sewer, and storm water. Need a specific map and it isn't listed below? Feel free to contact us at (541)998-3125.


Please note that the maps below are subject to change. For the most up to date information, please contact the Public Works Department.



Attached Document or FileFire Hydrant Map (PDF Document - 26Kb)  A map of all the locations of fire hydrants within the City of Junction City
Attached Document or FileWater System Map (PDF Document - (1.5MB)  A map of the City's water distribution lines
Attached Document or FileSewer Collection System (PDF File - 1.6MB)  A map of the City's sewer collection system
Attached Document or FileStorm System (PDF File - 1.6MB)  A map of the City's storm water collection system