The Court receives a random list of registered voters who are residents of the City of Junction City from Lane County Elections.
A random list of residents is selected from that list when a jury trial is scheduled.
A letter is then sent to inform the juror of the date, and time of the trial. You must complete the questionnaire you received and return that questionnaire to the Court by the date required. Questionnaire Form
Trials may settle prior to the trial date, please call 541-998-4762 the day before a trial to confirm the trial status.
If the you are selected for a trial, please report at the designated time on the trial date, to Junction City Community Center, located at 175 W 7th Ave.
Request to be Excused:
All jurors must complete the attached form to be excused, provide it to the Court immediately by email, fax, or mail. Request to Be Deferred/Excused
All requests are reviewed and either approved or denied by the Judge.
A person age 70 or older on the date of jury service, you may request to be excused and it will be granted.
Medical Excuse - you must provide a note from your physician.
Employment Excuse - you must provide a letter from your employer.
Other - provide documentation of why you should be excused.
You Must Be a Junction City Resident to Be a Juror
Office Phone: 541-998-1113
Fax: 541-998-3140
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 250, Junction City, OR 97448