Council President Karen Leach
Council Service: Elected in 2012 and 2016 to serve four-year terms as City Councilor and served through June 2017. Served as Council President January to June 2017. Appointed on March 9, 2021 as City Councilor. Elected in 2022 to serve a four-year term as City Councilor. Appointed as Council President on January 10, 2023 and re-appointed as Council President on January 14, 2025.
Current Term Expires: January 2027
Current Committee Assignments:
* Community Services and Development Committee - Chair
* Public Safety Committee
* Revolving Loan Fund Committee - Council Representative
* Lane Council of Governments Board of Directors - Alternate
* Budget Committee
Email: kleach@cityofjc.comCurrent Term Expires: January 2027
Current Committee Assignments:
* Community Services and Development Committee - Chair
* Public Safety Committee
* Revolving Loan Fund Committee - Council Representative
* Lane Council of Governments Board of Directors - Alternate
* Budget Committee
Duties of Council President:
The President shall function as Mayor when the Mayor is absent from a Council meeting or is unable to function as Mayor.