The Finance/Judiciary Committee (Finance) standing meeting is on the first Thursday of the month at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at 680 Greenwood Street, Junction City. Committee appointments are made by the Mayor.
Committee Members
Councilor Sandie Thomas - Chair
Councilor Ken Hancock - Vice Chair
Councilor Ken Jamieson
Citizen Member: Vacant
Citizen Member: Vacant
Committee Purpose Statement
The Finance/Judiciary Committee is comprised of three Council Members, appointed by the Mayor, who have the primary responsibility to provide policy recommendations to the City Council in the following areas: financial and budgeting practices to ensure fiscal soundness and compliance with state and federal laws; building and electrical inspection programs, land use planning related to Planning Commission duties and responsibilities; municipal court, however not related to the supervision, duties or the exercise of authority of the Municipal Judge; human resources, including personnel policies; oversight of the Revolving Loan Fund Committee; franchise agreements; acquisition and disposal of real property; and risk management.
Finance Committee Audio, Agenda, and Minutes