Revolving Loan Fund Committee
The Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) Committee does not have a standing date or time and meets as needed. Committee members are appointed by the Mayor, with approval of the Council.

Committee Members

Council Representative - Councilor Karen Leach      Term through 01-14-25
Craig Carpenter - Financial Industry Professional     Term through 09-30-25
Ethan Nelson - Financial Industry Professional         Term through 09-30-26
Kara McDaniel - Financial Industry Professional       Term through 09-30-25
Randy Fletcher - Member of the Public at Large       Term through 09-30-26

Committee Purpose

To review Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) applications and make recommendations to the Council on loan approvals and terms of agreement, as well as oversight of the RLF program and criteria.
Staff Contact:  City Administrator Jason Knope at 541-998-2153 or at

Revolving Loan Fund Agendas