Planning Commission Packets
05-21-24 PC Packet
04-16-24 PC Packet
02-20-24 PC Packet UPDATED
1-16-24 PC Packet
10-17-23 PC Packet2
9-19-23 PC Packet
8-16-23 PC Packet
7-18-23 PC packet
6-20-23PC Agenda Draft Minutes 5-16-23
6-20-23 PC Agenda Item 5: SUB-22-16 AIS and Staff Report
6-20-23 PC Agenda Item 5 SUB-22-16 Application part 1
6-20-23 PC Agenda Item 5: SUB-22-16 Application part 2
6-20-23 PC Agenda Item 5: SUB-22-16 Application part 3
6-20-23 PC Agenda Item 5: SUB-22-16 Application part 4
6-20-23 PC Agenda Item 5: SUB-22-16 Application part 5
6-20-23 PC Agenda Item 5: SUB-22-16 Referral and Comments Received
6-20-23 PC Agenda Item 5: SUB-22-16 Request for Comments and Comments Received
6-20-23 PC Agenda Item 5: SUB-22-16 Proposed Final Order
6-20-23 PC Agenda Item 6: PUD-23-24 Rolling Meadows Major Modification
6-20-23 PC Agenda Item 7: MP-23-10 through MP-23-17Rolling Meadows Minor Partitions (8) AIS and Staff Reports
6-20-23 PC Agenda Item 7: MP-23-10 through MP-23-17 Applications
6-20-23 Agenda Item 7: MP-23-10 through MP-23-17 Referral and Comments Received
6-20-23 PC Agenda Item 7: MP-23-10 through MP-23-17 Request for Comments (none received)
6-20-23 PC Agenda Item 7: MP-23-10 through MP-23-17 Proposed Final Orders
6-20-23 PC Agenda Item 8: Agenda Forecaster
5-16-23 PC Packet
4-18-23 PC Packet
3-21-23 PC Packet Part 1 (Agenda and Draft 2-21-23 Minutes)
3-21-23 PC Packet Part 2 (SUB-22-16 AIS & Staff Report)
3-21-23 PC Packet Part 3 (SUB-22-16 Application overview)
3-21-23 PC Packet Part 4 (SUB-22-16 Application Reports)
3-21-23 PC Packet Part 5 (Tentative Subd. & Utility Plans)
3-21-23 PC Packet Part 6 (SUB-22-16 Proposed Final Orders)
3-21-23 PC Packet Part 7 (MP-23-01 93998 Prairie Rd)
3-21-23 PC Packet Part 8 (Agenda Forecaster)
2-21-23 PC Packet
1-18-23 PC Packet
12-21-22 PC Packet
10-19-22 PC Packet
9-21-22 PC Packet
8-17-22 PC Packet
7-20-22 PC Packet
6-15-22 PC Packet
4-20-22 PC Packet
3-16-22 PC Packet
10-20-21 PC Packet
9-29-21 Planning Commission Packet
7-21-21 PC Packet
5-19-21 Planning Commission Packet
04-16-24 PC Packet
02-20-24 PC Packet UPDATED
1-16-24 PC Packet
10-17-23 PC Packet2
9-19-23 PC Packet
8-16-23 PC Packet
7-18-23 PC packet
6-20-23PC Agenda Draft Minutes 5-16-23
6-20-23 PC Agenda Item 5: SUB-22-16 AIS and Staff Report
6-20-23 PC Agenda Item 5 SUB-22-16 Application part 1
6-20-23 PC Agenda Item 5: SUB-22-16 Application part 2
6-20-23 PC Agenda Item 5: SUB-22-16 Application part 3
6-20-23 PC Agenda Item 5: SUB-22-16 Application part 4
6-20-23 PC Agenda Item 5: SUB-22-16 Application part 5
6-20-23 PC Agenda Item 5: SUB-22-16 Referral and Comments Received
6-20-23 PC Agenda Item 5: SUB-22-16 Request for Comments and Comments Received
6-20-23 PC Agenda Item 5: SUB-22-16 Proposed Final Order
6-20-23 PC Agenda Item 6: PUD-23-24 Rolling Meadows Major Modification
6-20-23 PC Agenda Item 7: MP-23-10 through MP-23-17Rolling Meadows Minor Partitions (8) AIS and Staff Reports
6-20-23 PC Agenda Item 7: MP-23-10 through MP-23-17 Applications
6-20-23 Agenda Item 7: MP-23-10 through MP-23-17 Referral and Comments Received
6-20-23 PC Agenda Item 7: MP-23-10 through MP-23-17 Request for Comments (none received)
6-20-23 PC Agenda Item 7: MP-23-10 through MP-23-17 Proposed Final Orders
6-20-23 PC Agenda Item 8: Agenda Forecaster
5-16-23 PC Packet
4-18-23 PC Packet
3-21-23 PC Packet Part 1 (Agenda and Draft 2-21-23 Minutes)
3-21-23 PC Packet Part 2 (SUB-22-16 AIS & Staff Report)
3-21-23 PC Packet Part 3 (SUB-22-16 Application overview)
3-21-23 PC Packet Part 4 (SUB-22-16 Application Reports)
3-21-23 PC Packet Part 5 (Tentative Subd. & Utility Plans)
3-21-23 PC Packet Part 6 (SUB-22-16 Proposed Final Orders)
3-21-23 PC Packet Part 7 (MP-23-01 93998 Prairie Rd)
3-21-23 PC Packet Part 8 (Agenda Forecaster)
2-21-23 PC Packet
1-18-23 PC Packet
12-21-22 PC Packet
10-19-22 PC Packet
9-21-22 PC Packet
8-17-22 PC Packet
7-20-22 PC Packet
6-15-22 PC Packet
4-20-22 PC Packet
3-16-22 PC Packet
10-20-21 PC Packet
9-29-21 Planning Commission Packet
7-21-21 PC Packet
5-19-21 Planning Commission Packet