The City of Junction City values citizen input and involvement and has a number of opportunities for service below:
NOTICE is hereby given that the City of Junction City is accepting applications for three (3) Planning Commission regular member positions and two (2) alternate member positions. All positions have four-year terms through October 31, 2028.
The Planning Commission is made up of seven regular members and two alternates. All nine positions are citizen volunteers, appointed by the Mayor and Council. The Planning Commission meets monthly on the third Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. You must live in the 97448 zip code to apply.
The Planning Commission is charged with making recommendations to the Council on updates to the Junction City Comprehensive Plan, functional plans, and refinement plans for the City, which are adopted by the Council as the official guides to public and private uses of land. The Commission prepares and makes recommendations to the Council on City legislation that will implement the purposes of the Comp Plan and keep zoning, subdivision, and sign code ordinances current. The Commission may also hold hearings on minor partitions, major partitions, and subdivisions.
Applications may be obtained from City Hall staff, 185 W. 8th, Junction City, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. or downloaded below. First Review: October 11, 2024. Positions are open until filled.
Please submit application to City Recorder Kitty Vodrup at the City Hall or at Phone: 541-998-2153.
Application below
The City of Junction City is accepting applications for two Library Board vacancies. One position has a four-year term through June 30, 2028, and the second position is to fill an unexpired term through June 30, 2026. The Library Board has five members and meets the third Tuesday at 6:30 pm at the library. The Board must have a minimum of three members who live inside of the Junction City limits.
The Library Board recommends to the Mayor candidates for appointment, formulates rules and policies for the governance of the library, prepares an annual budget for submission to the City Council, and approves all expenditures from the Junction City Public Library fund in compliance with local budget law.
Applications may be downloaded below or requested from City Recorder Kitty Vodrup at or by calling 541-998-2153. 1st deadline for submission: June 3, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. Position open until filled.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Junction City is accepting applications for three (3) Budget Committee positions. Each position has a 3-year term through December 31, 2027.
The Budget Committee reviews and approves the City's budget for submission to the City Council. The Committee generally meets during the months of April and May but may meet at other times as the Committee determines is necessary.
Applicants must be qualified electors within the meaning of the state constitution and have resided in the city one year (365 days) immediately preceding appointment to the position.
Applications may be picked up at City Hall between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. They are also available below. 1st review deadline: November 4, 2024. Positions are open until filled.
Staff Contact: City Recorder Kitty Vodrup at 541-998-2153 or at
Application below.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Junction City is accepting applications for citizen members to serve on Council Committees.
* Two (2) members on the Public Works Committee
* Two (2) members on the Finance and Judiciary Committee
Terms are through February 11, 2025. Each Committee shall consist of a minimum of three members and a maximum of five members, of which three shall be City Councilors and up to two shall be citizens.
Purpose statements for each standing Council Committee can be found below or obtained at City Hall. Reappointments/appointments made by the Mayor in February of each year.
Applications may be picked up at City Hall between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. They are also available on the City’s website (below). Positions are open until filled. Staff contact is City Recorder Kitty Vodrup at 541-998-2153 or at