You may submit a comment, question, compliment, or complaint via a few different ways:
1. Fill out the Comment Form on the City's Website: Link here or
2. Pick up a Comment Form at City Hall or download one here. Completed comment forms may be:
* Dropped off at City Hall
* Mailed to City Hall: City of Junction City, Attn. City Recorder, PO Box 250, Junction City OR 97448
* Emailed to City Recorder Kitty Vodrup at
A citizen may request that an item be placed on a Council or Committee agenda by filling out a request form. Completed forms may be submitted by:
1. Dropping off at City Hall to the City Recorder
2. Mailing to the City Recorder at PO Box 250, Junction City OR 97448 or
3. Emailing to the City Recorder at
Forms and the Agenda Process Guidelines are below.
The City of Junction City has three categories of public records: Police Department, General City Records, and Court Records.
For Police Department Records, please contact the Police Department at 541-998-1245 or email Deputy Chief Eric Markell at
For General City Records, please submit your request on a Public Records Request form. Completed forms may be:
1. Dropped off to City Hall to the City Recorder.
2. Mailed to the City Recorder at PO Box 250, Junction City OR 97448
3. Emailed to City Recorder Kitty Vodrup at
For Court Records, please submit your request on a Pubic Records Request form. Completed forms may be:
1. Dropped off to City Hall to the Court Clerk.
2. Mailed to the Court Clerk at PO Box 250, Junction City OR 97448
3. Emailed to Court Clerk Tiffany McGarvey at
Public Records Policy and Request form below.