Report a Problem to Public Works
We realize that, from time to time, problems occur. It is our goal to take care of these problems as quickly as we can. Please use the form below to tell us of your problem. The more information that you provide, the quicker we can take care of it for you.
What kinds of problems can you report? All kinds! Some of the most common problems are: dirty water, potholes in the road, smelly sewers, and more.
If you want us to follow up with you, please make sure to fill out the appropriate information in the form. This information isn't required to submit a problem, but it will be necessary if you want us to follow up with you.
What kinds of problems can you report? All kinds! Some of the most common problems are: dirty water, potholes in the road, smelly sewers, and more.
If you want us to follow up with you, please make sure to fill out the appropriate information in the form. This information isn't required to submit a problem, but it will be necessary if you want us to follow up with you.